// Simples
Zeigerinstrument mit quadratischen Abmaßen und einem // überarbeitet
24.04.2012 unit BA; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs; type TBAChange = procedure(Sender: TObject; Min_, Max_, Value_, OK_, High_: Double; Wich: Byte) of object; TBAThreshold = procedure(Sender: TObject; Threshold: Byte) of object; TBAError = procedure(Sender: TObject; Difference: Double) of object; TBADisp = (baNull, baTwo, baThree, baFive, baAll); TBAShape = (baCircle, baRoundRect, baSquare); TBA = class(TGraphicControl) private FPen, FBound, FZeiger, FClow, FChigh, FCok, FFc, FNe: TColor; FMin, FMax, FValue, FMerk, FOK, FHigh, Fbreit: double; FMw, FBr, FBr2, FMitte, FAbst, FFsa, FFsv: integer; Fstr, FNum, FShow, FStart: boolean; FThreshold: TBAThreshold; FChange: TBAChange; FError: TBAError; FSkala, FM: byte; FDisp: TBADisp; FSp: TBAShape; FTeil: single; FBM: TBitmap; protected function x(w, b: double): integer; function y(w, h: double): integer; procedure setshow(b: boolean); procedure setdisp(d: TBADisp); procedure setchigh(c: TColor); procedure setvalue(d: double); procedure setbound(c: TColor); procedure sethigh(d: double); procedure setstr(b: boolean); procedure setnum(b: boolean); procedure setclow(c: TColor); procedure setFcol(c: TColor); procedure setskala(s: byte); procedure setpen(c: TColor); procedure setcok(c: TColor); procedure setmin(d: double); procedure setmax(d: double); procedure Zeiger(c: TColor); procedure setNE(c: TColor); procedure kreis(c: TColor); procedure setok(d: double); procedure sp(s: TBAShape); procedure ground; procedure zahlen; procedure skala; procedure zarc; procedure cnfg; procedure rech; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure loaded; override; procedure Resize; override; procedure Paint; override; published property OK: double read FOK write setok; property Shape: TBAShape read FSp write sp; property Min: double read FMin write setmin; property Max: double read FMax write setmax; property ColorNE: TColor read FNe write setne; property High: double read FHigh write sethigh; property Stripe: boolean read FStr write setstr; property ColorOK: TColor read FCok write setcok; property FontColor: TColor read FFc write setFcol; property Value: double read FValue write setvalue; property Periphery: TColor read FPen write setpen; property Numbers: TBADisp read FDisp write setdisp; property ColorLow: TColor read FCLow write setclow; property Graduation: byte read FSkala write setskala; property Boundary: TColor read FBound write setbound; property Indicator: TColor read FZeiger write zeiger; property ShowValue: boolean read FShow write setshow; property ColorHigh: TColor read FChigh write setcHigh; property OnExceeded: TBAError read FError write FError; property OnChange: TBAChange read FChange write FChange; property OnThreshold: TBAThreshold read FThreshold write FThreshold; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseUp; property ShowHint; property Enabled; property Visible; property Color; property ParentShowHint; end; procedure Register; implementation constructor TBA.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin FStart := false; inherited Create(AOwner); canvas.Font.name := 'Arial'; width := 135; height := width; FMw := width; FShow := true; FPen := $A7A7A7; Color := clwhite; FNe := clSilver; FBound := clBlack; FCok := $33FF33; FClow := $FF7070; FCHigh := $6666FF; FStr := true; FMin := 0; FMax := 100; FValue := 0; FMerk := 100; FOK := FMin - 1; FHigh := FMax + 1; FM := 1; rech; FDisp := baAll; FBM := TBitmap.create; FBM.transparent := true; FZeiger := clred; setskala(10); end; destructor TBA.Destroy; begin FBM.free; inherited Destroy; end; function TBA.x(w, b: double): integer; begin result := trunc(cos((pi / 180) * w - pi / 2) * (b / 2) + FMitte); end; function TBA.y(w, h: double): integer; begin result := trunc(sin((pi / 180) * w - pi / 2) * (h / 2) + FMitte); end; procedure TBA.setpen(c: TColor); begin if FPen <> c then begin FPen := c; invalidate; end; end; procedure TBA.setbound(c: TColor); begin if FBound <> c then begin FBound := c; invalidate; end; end; procedure TBA.cnfg; const minimal = 100; begin if width < minimal then width := minimal; if height < minimal then height := minimal; if (width < height) and (width < FMw) or (width > height) and (width > FMw) then height := width else width := height; FMw := width; FFsv := round(width / 17); FFsa := round(width / 22); rech; end; procedure TBA.kreis(c: TColor); var breit, dm: integer; begin breit := 1 + round(sqrt(width / 1.3)); if (c <> FBM.canvas.brush.color) or (FBM.width <> breit) then begin FBM.width := breit; FBM.height := breit; with FBM.canvas do begin brush.color := clwhite; fillrect(cliprect); brush.color := c; pen.color := c; ellipse(0, 0, breit, breit); end; end; dm := round((width - FBM.width) * 0.5); canvas.draw(dm, dm, FBM); end; procedure TBA.loaded; begin cnfg; inherited; end; procedure TBA.Resize; begin inherited; cnfg; end; procedure TBA.ground; var m: integer; begin canvas.pen.width := 2; canvas.pen.color := FPen; m := round(width * 0.333); if enabled then canvas.brush.color := color else canvas.brush.color := FNe; case Fsp of baCircle: canvas.ellipse(0, 0, width, height); baroundrect: canvas.roundrect(1, 1, width, height, m, m); else canvas.rectangle(1, 1, width, height); end; end; procedure TBA.zarc; var m, z, a, f: integer; c: TColor; begin if FValue >= FHigh then begin c := FCHigh; FM := 3; end else if FValue >= FOk then begin c := FCok; FM := 2; end else begin c := FClow; FM := 1; end; if FSkala < 1 then exit; if FStr then begin a := FAbst + FBr; m := width - FAbst; f := succ(FAbst); z := m - FBr; with canvas do begin pen.color := FBound; pen.width := 1; brush.color := c; pie(f, f, m - 1, m, m, m, FAbst, m); if enabled then brush.color := color else brush.color := FNe; pen.color := brush.color; ellipse(a, a, z, z); pen.color := FBound; arc(a - 1, a - 1, z + 1, z + 1, z, z, a, z); end; end; if FSkala > 1 then skala; end; procedure TBA.skala; var s, o, u: single; procedure makesk(g: single); begin canvas.moveto(x(g, width - o), y(g, width - o)); canvas.lineto(x(g, width - u), y(g, width - u)); end; begin canvas.pen.color := FBound; canvas.pen.width := 1; s := -135 + FTeil; o := (FAbst + FBr) * 1.9; u := FAbst * 2.1; if not FStr then begin makesk(-135); makesk(135); end; while s < 135 do begin makesk(s); s := s + FTeil; end; end; procedure TBA.paint; begin ground; zarc; zahlen; zeiger(FZeiger); FStart := true; end; procedure TBA.sp(s: TBAShape); begin if s <> FSp then begin Fsp := s; invalidate; end; end; procedure TBA.setskala(s: byte); begin if s = FSkala then exit; FSkala := s; if s > 0 then FTeil := 270 / s; invalidate; end; procedure TBA.setstr(b: boolean); begin if FStr = b then exit; FStr := b; invalidate; end; procedure TBA.setvalue(d: double); var b: byte; begin if (d = FValue) or not enabled then exit; b := 0; if d < FMin then begin if assigned(FError) then FError(self, d - FMin); d := FMin; b := b or 1; end else if d > FMax then begin if assigned(FError) then FError(self, d - FMax); d := FMax; b := b or 2; end; FValue := d; b := b or 4; zeiger(FZeiger); if FStart and assigned(FChange) then FChange(self, FMin, FMax, FValue, FOK, FHigh, b); end; procedure TBA.Zeiger(c: TColor); var r: TRect; a, i: integer; st: double; s: string; b: boolean; cl: TColor; procedure build(v: double; f: TColor; w: integer); begin st := ((v - FMin) * 270) / FBreit - 135; with canvas do begin pen.color := f; pen.width := w + ord(width > 200) * 2; moveto(x(st, FBM.width), y(st, FBM.height)); lineto(x(st, width - a), y(st, width - a)); end; end; begin if (FValue >= FHigh) and (FM <> 3) or (FValue < FOK) and (FM <> 1) or (FM <> 2) and (FValue < FHigh) and (FValue >= FOK) then begin zarc; b := true; end else b := false; if enabled then cl := color else cl := FNe; if FShow then begin if enabled then canvas.brush.color := color else canvas.brush.color := FNe; canvas.Font.color := c; if FDisp = baNull then r := rect((Fabst + FBr) * 2, height - FBr2 - FBr, width - (FAbst + FBr) * 2, height - FBr) else r := rect(FAbst + FBr2, height - FBr2 - FBr, width - FAbst - FBr2, height - FBr); canvas.FillRect(r); canvas.font.size := FFsv; s := formatfloat('0.0', FValue); i := canvas.textwidth(s); canvas.textout((width - i) div 2, height - height div 4, s); end; FZeiger := c; a := round((FAbst + FBr + 2) * (2.1 + ord(Fdisp = baNull) * 0.05)); build(FMerk, cl, 5); kreis(FZeiger); build(FValue, c, 3); FMerk := FValue; if b and assigned(FThreshold) then FThreshold(self, FM); end; procedure TBA.setmin(d: double); var b: byte; begin if (d = FMin) or not enabled then exit; b := 0; if d >= FMax then begin FMax := d + 1; b := b or 2; end; if d > FValue then begin FValue := d; b := b or 4; end; FMin := d; b := b or 1; FBreit := FMax - FMin; invalidate; if FStart and assigned(FChange) then FChange(self, FMin, FMax, FValue, FOK, FHigh, b); end; procedure TBA.setmax(d: double); var b: byte; begin if (d = FMax) or not enabled then exit; b := 0; if d <= FMin then begin FMin := d - 1; b := b or 1; end; if d < FValue then begin FValue := d; b := b or 4; end; FMax := d; b := b or 2; FBreit := FMax - FMin; invalidate; if FStart and assigned(FChange) then FChange(self, FMin, FMax, FValue, FOK, FHigh, b); end; procedure TBA.setok(d: double); begin if (d <> FOK) and enabled then begin FOK := d; invalidate; if FStart and assigned(FChange) then FChange(self, FMin, FMax, FValue, FOK, FHigh, 8); end; end; procedure TBA.sethigh(d: double); begin if (d <> FHigh) and enabled then begin FHigh := d; invalidate; if FStart and assigned(FChange) then FChange(self, FMin, FMax, FValue, FOK, FHigh, 16); end; end; procedure TBA.setclow(c: TColor); begin if FClow = c then exit; FClow := c; invalidate; end; procedure TBA.setchigh(c: TColor); begin if FChigh = c then exit; FChigh := c; invalidate; end; procedure TBA.setcok(c: TColor); begin if FCok = c then exit; FCok := c; invalidate; end; procedure TBA.zahlen; var k, u, t, w, j: single; i: integer; sz: TSize; procedure go(a: single); var s: string; begin s := formatfloat('0', FMin + w * i); with canvas do begin canvas.brush.style := bsclear; sz := Textextent(s); moveto(x(a, u) - sz.cx div 2 + 1, y(a, u) - sz.cy div 2); textout(penpos.x, penpos.y, s); end; end; begin setnum(FDisp = baNull); if FDisp <> baNull then begin i := 0; k := -135; u := width - FAbst * 1.1; case FDisp of baTwo: begin t := 270; j := 1; end; baThree: begin t := 135; j := 2; end; baFive: begin t := 67.5; j := 4; end; else begin if FSkala > 0 then begin j := FSkala; t := 270 / j; end else begin t := 270; j := 1; end; end; end; w := (FBreit / j); canvas.font.size := FFsa; canvas.Font.color := FFc; while k <= 135 do begin go(k); k := k + t; inc(i); end; end; end; procedure TBA.rech; begin FBreit := FMax - FMin; FBr := width div 11; FBr2 := FBr + FBr; FMitte := round(width / 2); FAbst := width div (17 - ord(FDisp <> baNull) * 11); end; procedure TBA.setnum(b: boolean); begin if b = FNum then exit; FNum := b; rech; invalidate; end; procedure TBA.setdisp(d: TBADisp); begin if d = FDisp then exit; FDisp := d; invalidate; end; procedure TBA.setFcol(c: TColor); begin if c = FFc then exit; FFc := c; invalidate; end; procedure TBA.setshow(b: boolean); begin if b = FShow then exit; FShow := b; invalidate; end; procedure TBA.setNE(c: TColor); begin if c = FNe then exit; FNe := c; if not enabled then invalidate; end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('DBR', [TBA]); end; end.
TColor Color: TColor ColorHigh,
ColorOK, ColorLow: TColor ColorNE:
TColor FontColor:
TColor Graduation:
Byte OK, High:
Double Indicator:
TColor Min, Max:
Double Numbers:
TBADisp Periphery:
TColor Shape:
TBAShape ShowValue:
Boolean Stripe:
Boolean Value: Double OnChange:
Event OnExeeded:
Event OnThreshold:
Event //-------------------------------------------- Beispiel: procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Ba1.Min := 0; Ba1.Max := 200; Ba1.ok := 50; Ba1.High := 150; Ba1.Value := Ba1.Min; Ba1.Indicator := Ba1.ColorLow; Trackbar1.Min := trunc(Ba1.Min); Trackbar1.Max := round(Ba1.Max); Trackbar1.Position := Trackbar1.Min; end; procedure TForm1.TrackBar1Change(Sender: TObject); begin Ba1.value := Trackbar1.position; end; procedure TForm1.BA1Threshold(Sender: TObject; Threshold: Byte); begin case Threshold of 1: Ba1.Indicator := Ba1.ColorLow; 2: Ba1.Indicator := Ba1.ColorOK; 3: Ba1.Indicator := Ba1.ColorHigh; end; end; |
Zugriffe seit 6.9.2001 auf Delphi-Ecke