// Eine Unit für
einen Dialog mit der Komponente
unit UnitDLG; interface uses Forms, Windows, Sysutils, Stdctrls, Graphics, Extctrls, XButton; function Box(const cptn, txt: string; x, y: integer; btns: array of string; defb, cncl: integer; anp: boolean; clr, fclr, bfclr: TColor; shd: TXShading; hic: HIcon): Integer; implementation var arr: array of TXButton; erg: integer; function Box(const cptn, txt: string; x, y: integer; btns: array of string; defb, cncl: integer; anp: boolean; clr, fclr, bfclr: TColor; shd: TXShading; hic: HIcon): Integer; const abst = 8; var a, i, w, m, h, l: integer; form: TForm; img: TImage; lbl: TLabel; ic: TIcon; r: TRect; clk: procedure(Sender: TObject) of object; procedure MyClick(Form: TForm; Sender: TObject); begin erg := TXButton(sender).tag; form.close; end; begin SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, @r, 0); erg := -1; ic := TIcon.Create; ic.handle := hic; a := abst + abst; l := length(btns); Form := TForm.create(application); form.font.style := [fsbold]; img := TImage.create(form); img.parent := form; img.autosize := true; if hic > 0 then img.picture.assign(ic) else img.picture := nil; img.left := abst; img.top := abst; if l = 0 then setlength(arr, 1) else setlength(arr, l); h := high(arr); w := 0; lbl := TLabel.create(form); lbl.parent := form; lbl.top := abst; lbl.wordwrap := true; lbl.Font.color := fclr; TMethod(clk).Code := @Myclick; TMethod(clk).Data := form; if (cncl < 0) or (cncl > h) then cncl := h; with form do begin color := clr; borderstyle := bsSingle; bordericons := [biSystemMenu]; for i := 0 to h do begin arr[i] := TXButton.create(form); arr[i].font.style := [fsbold]; if l > 0 then arr[i].caption := btns[i] else arr[i].caption := '&OK'; m := canvas.textwidth(arr[i].caption) + a; if anp or (m > arr[i].width) then arr[i].width := m; w := w + arr[i].width; arr[i].parent := form; arr[i].tag := i; arr[i].onclick := clk; if i = defb then activecontrol := arr[i]; if i = cncl then arr[i].cancel := true; arr[i].defaultframes := false; arr[i].bright := false; arr[i].shading := shd; arr[i].font.color := bfclr; end; m := w + succ(length(arr)) * abst + a; if m > clientwidth then begin width := m; arr[0].left := a; end else arr[0].left := (clientwidth - w - h * abst) div 2; for i := 1 to h do arr[i].left := arr[i - 1].boundsrect.right + abst; if (x < r.left) or (x + width > r.right) then left := r.left + (r.right - r.left - width) div 2 else left := x; caption := cptn; lbl.width := clientwidth - (a + img.width) * 2; lbl.height := clientheight - arr[0].height - a - a; lbl.caption := txt; clientheight := lbl.boundsrect.bottom + arr[0].height + a + abst; lbl.left := a + img.width + (clientwidth - lbl.width - (a + img.width) * 2) div 2; for i := 0 to h do arr[i].top := clientheight - arr[i].height - abst; if (y < r.top) or (y + height > r.bottom) then top := r.top + (r.bottom - r.top - height) div 2 else top := y; showmodal; end; for i := 0 to h do arr[i].free; lbl.free; img.free; ic.free; result := erg; form.free; end; end. // -------------------- Beispielaufruf ------------------------------ uses unitdlg; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin case Box('Frage', 'Möchten Sie einen Sechser im Lotto haben und in Frührente gehen?', -1, -1, ['&Ja', '&Nein', '&Vielleicht', '&Später', 'S&ofort', '&Abbruch'], 4, 5, true, clblue, clAqua, clnavy, xbtnBlue, LoadIcon(0, IDI_QUESTION)) of -1, 5: exit; 1: Box('FEHLER', 'Das kann nicht stimmen!', -1, -1, ['&Abbruch'], 0, 0, false, clred, clyellow, clMaroon, xbtnRed, LoadIcon(0, MakeIntResource(32513))); 2: Box('Hä?', 'Seltsame Antwort.', -1, -1, ['&Schließen'], 0, 0, false, color, clBlack, clWhite, xbtnGray, application.icon.handle); 3: Box('Was?', 'Später sind die meisten Leute tot!', -1, -1, ['&Esc'], 0, 0, false, clpurple, clyellow, $660066, xbtnPurple, LoadIcon(0, IDI_EXCLAMATION)); else Box('AHA', 'Das dachte ich mir!', -1, -1, [], 0, 0, false, clgreen, clwhite, $4000, xbtnGreen, 0); end; end; |
Zugriffe seit 6.9.2001 auf Delphi-Ecke