// Viele
Icon-Dateien enthalten mehrere Icons verschiedener Größen. uses Winapi.shellapi, Vcl.graphics, UITypes; function PrivateExtractIcons(lpszFile: PChar; nIconIndex, cxIcon, cyIcon: Integer; phicon: PHANDLE; piconid: PDWORD; nicon, flags: DWORD): DWORD; stdcall; external 'user32.dll' name 'PrivateExtractIconsW'; var bm: array of TBitmap; sl: TStringList; const sx = ' x '; Maxzahl = 70; // Anzahl und Größen auslesen procedure IcoValues(IcoName: String; Lst: TStrings); type TIconEntry = packed record FWidth: Byte; FHeight: Byte; FColorCount: Byte; FReserved: Byte; FPlanes: Word; FBitCount: Word; FBytesInRes: DWORD; FImageOffset: DWORD; end; TIconDir = packed record FReserved: Word; FType: Word; FCOUNT: Word; FEntries: array [0 .. Maxzahl - 1] of TIconEntry; end; var fs: TFilestream; IconDir: TIconDir; Count, I: Integer; begin Lst.Clear; if not FileExists(IcoName) then exit; fs := TFilestream.create(IcoName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone); fs.Position := 0; fs.read(IconDir, sizeof(IconDir)); Count := IconDir.FCOUNT; if Count > Maxzahl then Count := Maxzahl; for I := 0 to pred(Count) do begin fs.Position := IconDir.FEntries[I].FImageOffset; Lst.Add(IntToStr(IconDir.FEntries[I].FWidth) + sx + IntToStr(IconDir.FEntries[I].FHeight)); end; fs.free; for I := 0 to Lst.Count - 1 do if sl[I] = '0 x 0' then sl[I] := '256 x 256'; end; // Die verschiedenen Icons auslesen procedure Bilder(IcoName: String; hb: HBrush); var cx, cy, p, I: Integer; Id: Word; ico: HIcon; begin IcoValues(IcoName, sl); if sl.Count = 0 then exit; if sl.Count > length(bm) then SetLength(bm, sl.Count); for I := 0 to sl.count - 1 do begin p := pos(sx, sl[I]); cx := StrToIntDef(copy(sl[I], 1, p - 1), 0); cy := StrToIntDef(copy(sl[I], p + length(sx), maxint), 0); if not assigned(bm[I]) then bm[I] := TBitmap.create; bm[I].SetSize(cx, cy); PrivateExtractIcons(PChar(IcoName), 0, cx, cy, @ico, @Id, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE); DrawIconEx(bm[I].Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, ico, cx, cy, 0, hb, DI_NORMAL); end; DestroyIcon(ico); end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin sl := TStringList.create; end; procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; begin for I := Low(bm) to High(bm) do bm[I].free; bm := nil; sl.free; end; // --- Beispiele --- // Werte in einer Listbox anzeigen procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; z: String; begin IcoValues('D:\Icons\Icon\apps\access.ico', sl); if sl.Count = 1 then z := '' else z := 'n'; with ListBox1.Items do begin Clear; if sl.Count = 0 then begin Add('Nichts gefunden'); exit; end; Add('Anzahl: ' + IntToStr(sl.Count)); Add(''); Add('Größe' + z + ':'); Add(''); for I := 0 to sl.Count - 1 do Add(sl[I]); end; end; // --------------------------------------------- // Bilder waagerecht auf Canvas ausgeben procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var hb: HBrush; procedure zeige(cnv: TCanvas; x, y: Integer; mitText: Boolean); var I, abst, gr, yy, h, w: Integer; begin h := 256; gr := 256; if mitText then abst := 55 // z.B. else abst := 10; for I := 0 to sl.count - 1 do begin yy := y + (gr - bm[I].height) div 2; if yy < y then yy := y; cnv.draw(x + abst div 2, yy, bm[I]); if mitText then begin if h <= bm[I].height then h := bm[I].height + 10; w := cnv.TextWidth(sl[I]); cnv.TextOut(x + (abst + (bm[I].width - w)) div 2, h + 5, sl[I]); end; inc(x, bm[I].width + abst); end; end; begin hb := CreateSolidBrush(ColorToRGB(Color)); Bilder('D:\Icons\Icon\apps\access.ico', hb); zeige(Canvas, 10, 10, false); DeleteObject(hb); end; // ---------------------------------------------------- // Ein einzelnes Icon bestimmter Größe mittels Doppelklick speichern procedure TForm1.ListBox2DblClick(Sender: TObject); var cx, cy, p, I: Integer; ico: HIcon; ch: PChar; ic: TIcon; Id: Word; begin I := ListBox2.itemindex; if I >= 0 then begin ic := TIcon.create; ch := PChar(ListBox2.tag); p := pos(sx, ListBox2.Items[I]); cx := StrToIntDef(copy(ListBox2.Items[I], 1, p - 1), 0); cy := StrToIntDef(copy(ListBox2.Items[I], p + length(sx), maxint), 0); PrivateExtractIcons(ch, 0, cx, cy, @ico, @Id, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE); ic.Handle := ico; ic.SaveToFile('D:\MyIcon.ico'); // z.B. ic.free; DestroyIcon(ico); Showmessage('Gespeichert'); end; end; procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); var s: string; begin ListBox2.Clear; s := 'D:\Icons\Icon\apps\access.ico'; IcoValues(s, ListBox2.Items); ListBox2.tag := LongInt(PChar(s)); end;
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6.9.2001 auf Delphi-Ecke |