![]() // Ein Pfad
wird in einem uses FileCtrl; function ExpDir(dol: TDirectoryOutline; dir: string): boolean; var idx, p, i: integer; s: string; begin result := false; dir := trim(dir); if length(dir) = 1 then dir := dir + ':'; if ansilastchar(dir) <> '\' then dir := dir + '\'; if (dir[2] = ':') and directoryexists(dir) then begin try idx := 1; dol.drive := dir[idx]; dol.items[idx].collapse; dir := copy(dir, 4, max_path); dol.items[idx].expand; while dir <> '' do begin p := pos('\', dir); s := copy(dir, 1, p - 1); dir := copy(dir, p + 1, max_path); for i := idx to dol.itemcount do if dol.items[i].text = s then begin idx := i; dol.items[i].expand; break; end; end; dol.row := idx - 1; except exit; end; result := true; end; end; // Beispielaufruf procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); begin if not ExpDir(DirectoryOutline1, 'c:\programme\icq\2000b') then showmessage('Fehler'); end; |