// Für die foldenden
Routinen habe ich unter anderem ein // Getestet mit D4 unter WinME // Variante 1: var r: TRect; function MakeRect(pts: array of TPoint): TRect; var i, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax: integer; begin xmin := maxint; ymin := maxint; xmax := -maxint; ymax := -maxint; for i := 0 to high(pts) do begin if pts[i].x < xmin then xmin := pts[i].x; if pts[i].x > xmax then xmax := pts[i].x; if pts[i].y < ymin then ymin := pts[i].y; if pts[i].y > ymax then ymax := pts[i].y; end; SetRect(result, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax); end; function ccw(p0, p1, p2: TPoint): integer; var dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2: longint; begin dx1 := p1.x - p0.x; dx2 := p2.x - p0.x; dy1 := p1.y - p0.y; dy2 := p2.y - p0.y; result := ord(dx1 * dy2 > dy1 * dx2) * 2 - 1; end; function Intersect(p1, p2, p3, p4: TPoint): boolean; begin result := (((ccw(p1, p2, p3) * ccw(p1, p2, p4)) <= 0) and ((ccw(p3, p4, p1) * ccw(p3, p4, p2) <= 0))); end; function PtInPolygon(pts: array of TPoint; ptTest: TPoint): boolean; var i, wnumintsct: word; pt: TPoint; begin wnumintsct := 0; if not PtInRect(r, ptTest) then begin result := false; exit; end; pt := ptTest; pt.x := r.right + 50; for i := 0 to high(pts) - 1 do begin if Intersect(ptTest, pt, pts[i], pts[i + 1]) then inc(wnumintsct); end; if Intersect(ptTest, pt, pts[high(pts)], pts[0]) then inc(wnumintsct); result := odd(wnumintsct); end; var punkte: array[0..7] of TPoint; procedure TForm1.FormPaint(Sender: TObject); begin canvas.polygon(punkte); end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin punkte[0] := point(100, 100); punkte[1] := point(175, 75); punkte[2] := point(200, 0); punkte[3] := point(225, 75); punkte[4] := point(300, 100); punkte[5] := point(225, 125); punkte[6] := point(200, 200); punkte[7] := point(175, 125); r := MakeRect(punkte); label1.caption := ''; end; procedure TForm1.FormMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if PtInPolygon(punkte, point(x, y)) then label1.caption := 'drin' else label1.caption := 'draußen'; end;
// Variante
2: function PtInPoly(const Points: array of TPoint; X, Y: integer): Boolean; var P1, P2: ^TPoint; i, j, h, MDiff1, MDiff2: integer; begin h := high(points); result := false; j := h; for i := 0 to h do begin P1 := @Points[i]; P2 := @Points[j]; if (y < P2.y) then begin if (P1.y <= y) then begin MDiff2 := (y - P1.y) * (P2.x - P1.x); MDiff1 := (x - P1.x) * (P2.y - P1.y); if (MDiff2 > MDiff1) then result := not result; end; end else if (y < P1.y) then begin MDiff2 := (y - P1.y) * (P2.x - P1.x); MDiff1 := (x - P1.x) * (P2.y - P1.y); if (MDiff2 < MDiff1) then result := not result; end; j := i; end; end; // Variante
3: function PtInPolygon(Points: array of TPoint; ptTest: TPoint): boolean; var i, j: integer; lg: integer; begin Result := false; lg := length(Points); for i := 0 to pred(lg) do begin j := succ(i) mod lg; if ((((Points[i].y <= ptTest.y) and (ptTest.y < Points[j].y)) or ((Points[j].y <= ptTest.y) and (ptTest.y < Points[i].y))) and (ptTest.x < (Points[j].x - Points[i].x) * (ptTest.y - Points[i].y) / (Points[j].y - Points[i].y) + Points[i].x)) then Result := not Result; end; end;
// Falls man
nur Rechtecke/Quadrate (quasi Polygone mit 4 Ecken) var x1, x2, y1, y2: integer; r: TRect; procedure TForm1.FormPaint(Sender: TObject); begin canvas.rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2); end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin x1 := 50; y1 := 50; x2 := 200; y2 := 150; r := rect(x1, y1, x2, y2); label1.caption := ''; end; procedure TForm1.FormMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if PtInRect(r, point(x, y)) then label1.caption := 'drin' else label1.caption := 'draußen'; end;
Zugriffe seit 6.9.2001 auf Delphi-Ecke