// Eine Bitmap wird
zu einer Vierkant-Röhre geformt. Die Variante "rand"
type pc = ^TColor; var bm, vierkant: TBitmap; // für animiertes Beispiel hlp: TBitmap; fase: integer = 0; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin vierkant := TBitmap.create; bm := TBitmap.create; bm.loadfromfile('c:\Ruf.bmp'); hlp := TBitmap.create; hlp.width := bm.width; hlp.height := bm.height; Timer1.interval := 20; end; procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin bm.free; vierkant.free; hlp.free; end; function mach(src, dst: TBitmap; grund: TColor; rand, zu: pc; variante: boolean; lus: byte; zeichnen: boolean = true): TPoint; var xs, xd, y, z, schmal, breit, w3, s3, b3, g3, z1, z2, z3, z4: integer; ps, pd: PBytearray; r, g, b, rz, gz, bz: byte; function SetByte(i: integer): byte; asm CMP EAX, 255 JG @MAX CMP EAX, 0 JGE @OK MOV EAX, 0 JMP @OK @MAX: MOV EAX,255 @OK: end; procedure strich; begin pd[xd] := b; pd[xd + 1] := g; pd[xd + 2] := r; end; procedure oben; begin pd[xd] := bz; pd[xd + 1] := gz; pd[xd + 2] := rz; end; begin result := point(0, 0); try if (src = nil) or (src.width < 24) or (src.width / src.height > 3) then exit; schmal := src.width div 9; breit := src.width div 3; if zeichnen then begin dst.width := breit + schmal; dst.height := src.height + schmal; if rand <> nil then begin rand^ := ColorToRGB(rand^); r := getrvalue(rand^); g := getgvalue(rand^); b := getbvalue(rand^); end; if zu <> nil then begin zu^ := ColorToRGB(zu^); rz := getrvalue(zu^); gz := getgvalue(zu^); bz := getbvalue(zu^); end; src.pixelformat := pf24bit; dst.pixelformat := pf24bit; w3 := src.width * 3; s3 := schmal * 3; b3 := breit * 3; g3 := s3 + b3; with dst.canvas do begin brush.color := grund; fillrect(cliprect); end; if variante then begin z1 := 0; z2 := s3; z3 := w3 - g3; z4 := w3 - b3; end else begin z1 := b3; z2 := g3 + 3; z3 := w3 - s3; z4 := 0; end; // hinten for y := 0 to schmal do begin xs := z4; xd := b3; ps := src.scanline[y]; pd := dst.scanline[y]; while xd > 0 do begin if zu <> nil then oben else begin if (xd = b3) and (rand <> nil) then strich else begin pd[xd] := setbyte(ps[xs] - lus); pd[xd + 1] := setbyte(ps[xs + 1] - lus); pd[xd + 2] := setbyte(ps[xs + 2] - lus); end; end; inc(xs, 3); dec(xd, 3); end; end; // rechts for y := 0 to schmal do begin xs := z3; xd := g3; z := schmal; ps := src.scanline[y]; while xd > b3 do begin pd := dst.scanline[y + z]; dec(z); if zu <> nil then oben else begin pd[xd] := setbyte(ps[xs] - lus); pd[xd + 1] := setbyte(ps[xs + 1] - lus); pd[xd + 2] := setbyte(ps[xs + 2] - lus); end; inc(xs, 3); dec(xd, 3); end; end; // links for y := 0 to src.height - 1 do begin xs := z1; xd := 0; ps := src.scanline[y]; while xd < s3 do begin pd := dst.scanline[y + xd div 3]; if (y = 0) and (rand <> nil) then strich else begin pd[xd] := setbyte(ps[xs] + lus); pd[xd + 1] := setbyte(ps[xs + 1] + lus); pd[xd + 2] := setbyte(ps[xs + 2] + lus); end; inc(xs, 3); inc(xd, 3); end; end; // vorn for y := 0 to src.height - 1 do begin xs := z2; xd := s3; ps := src.scanline[y]; pd := dst.scanline[y + schmal]; while xd < g3 do begin if (rand <> nil) and ((xs = z2) or (y = 0)) then strich else begin pd[xd] := ps[xs]; pd[xd + 1] := ps[xs + 1]; pd[xd + 2] := ps[xs + 2]; end; inc(xs, 3); inc(xd, 3); end; end; end; result := point(breit + schmal, src.height + schmal); except end; end; function CalculateTube(bm: TBitmap): TPoint; begin result := mach(bm, nil, 0, nil, nil, false, 0, false); end; // ---------- Beispiele ---------- procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var pr, pg: pc; c, g: TColor; p: TPoint; begin pr := @c; pg := @g; // Beispiel 1 g := $5555EE; if mach(bm, vierkant, color, nil, pg, false, 70).x > 0 then canvas.draw(30, 30, vierkant) else showmessage('Fehler 1'); // Beispiel 2 c := clWhite; g := $E0; if mach(bm, vierkant, color, pr, pg, false, 0).x > 0 then canvas.draw(180, 30, vierkant) else showmessage('Fehler 1'); // Beispiel 3 c := $8080EE; if mach(bm, vierkant, color, pr, nil, true, 0).x > 0 then canvas.draw(330, 30, vierkant) else showmessage('Fehler 3'); // Beispiel 4 if mach(bm, vierkant, color, nil, nil, true, 42).x > 0 then canvas.draw(480, 30, vierkant) else showmessage('Fehler 4'); // Beispiel 5 (nur Röhren-Abmaße abfragen) p := CalculateTube(bm); if p.x = 0 then showmessage('Fehler') else showmessage('Zielbitmap hat ' + inttostr(p.x) + ' x ' + inttostr(p.y) + ' Pixel'); end; // Animiertes Beispiel. Das Bild läuft um die Röhre procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin hlp.canvas.copyrect(rect(0, 0, fase, bm.height), bm.canvas, rect(bm.width - fase, 0, bm.width, bm.height)); hlp.canvas.copyrect(rect(fase, 0, bm.width, bm.height), bm.canvas, rect(0, 0, bm.width - fase, bm.height)); inc(fase); if fase >= bm.width then fase := 0; if mach(hlp, vierkant, color, nil, nil, false, 66).x = 0 then begin Timer1.enabled := false; showmessage('Animations-Fehler'); end else canvas.draw(30, 250, vierkant) end; |
Zugriffe seit 6.9.2001 auf Delphi-Ecke