// Querverweis:
ein Bitmap mit einem Raster überblenden // Getestet mit D4 unter WinME
var bm: array[0..3] of TBitmap; Untergrund: TColor = $EFE0E0; Punkte: TColor = $400000; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var x: integer; begin for x := 0 to 3 do begin bm[x] := TBitmap.create; bm[x].width := 3; bm[x].height := 3; if x > 1 then bm[x].canvas.brush.color := Punkte else bm[x].canvas.brush.color := Untergrund; bm[x].canvas.fillrect(bm[x].canvas.cliprect); end; bm[1].canvas.pixels[1, 1] := Punkte; bm[2].canvas.pixels[0, 0] := Untergrund; bm[2].canvas.pixels[2, 0] := Untergrund; bm[2].canvas.pixels[0, 2] := Untergrund; bm[2].canvas.pixels[2, 2] := Untergrund; end; procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); var x: integer; begin for x := 0 to 3 do bm[x].free; end; procedure raster3(bmp: TBitmap); var x, y, z, b3, w: integer; p1, p2, p3: PBytearray; begin bmp.pixelformat := pf24bit; b3 := bmp.width * 3; y := 0; while y < bmp.height do begin p1 := bmp.scanline[y]; p2 := bmp.scanline[y + 1]; p3 := bmp.scanline[y + 2]; x := 0; while x < b3 do begin w := 0; for z := 0 to 2 do begin w := w + p1[x + z]; w := w + p2[x + z]; w := w + p3[x + z]; end; case w of 0..800: bmp.canvas.draw(x div 3, y, bm[3]); 801..1350: bmp.canvas.draw(x div 3, y, bm[2]); 1351..2150: bmp.canvas.draw(x div 3, y, bm[1]); else bmp.canvas.draw(x div 3, y, bm[0]); end; inc(x, 9); end; inc(y, 3); end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var bmp: TBitmap; begin bmp := TBitmap.create; bmp.width := (Image1.Picture.bitmap.width div 3) * 3; bmp.height := (Image1.Picture.bitmap.height div 3) * 3; bmp.canvas.stretchdraw(bmp.canvas.cliprect, Image1.picture.graphic); raster3(bmp); Image1.picture.bitmap.assign(bmp); bmp.free; end;
// Variante 1.2a: Zwei Farben var schablone: array[0..5] of TBitmap; papierR, papierG, papierB, stiftR, stiftG, stiftB: byte; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var x: integer; begin for x := 0 to 5 do begin schablone[x] := TBitmap.create; with schablone[x] do begin width := 5; height := 5; pixelformat := pf24bit; with canvas do begin if x > 3 then brush.color := clwhite else brush.color := clblack; fillrect(cliprect); brush.style := bsclear; end; end; end; with schablone[1] do with canvas do begin pixels[0, 0] := clwhite; pixels[0, height - 1] := clwhite; pixels[width - 1, 0] := clwhite; pixels[width - 1, height - 1] := clwhite; end; with schablone[2] do with canvas do begin pixels[0, 0] := clwhite; pixels[1, 0] := clwhite; pixels[0, 1] := clwhite; pixels[width - 1, 0] := clwhite; pixels[width - 2, 0] := clwhite; pixels[width - 1, 1] := clwhite; pixels[0, height - 1] := clwhite; pixels[1, height - 1] := clwhite; pixels[0, height - 2] := clwhite; pixels[width - 1, height - 1] := clwhite; pixels[width - 1, height - 2] := clwhite; pixels[width - 2, height - 1] := clwhite; end; with schablone[3] do with canvas do begin pen.color := clwhite; rectangle(0, 0, width, height); pixels[1, 1] := clwhite; pixels[1, height - 1 - 1] := clwhite; pixels[width - 1 - 1, 1] := clwhite; pixels[width - 1 - 1, height - 1 - 1] := clwhite; end; schablone[4].canvas.pixels[2, 2] := clblack; end; procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); var x: integer; begin for x := 0 to 5 do schablone[x].free; end; procedure farben(f: TColor; var r, g, b: byte); begin f := colortorgb(f); r := getrvalue(f); g := getgvalue(f); b := getbvalue(f); end; procedure einsetzen(bild: TBitmap; i, w, s: integer); var x, y: integer; ps: PBytearray; p: pbytearray; begin for y := 0 to 4 do begin x := 0; p := bild.scanline[s + y]; ps := schablone[i].scanline[y]; while x < 15 do begin if ps[x] = 0 then p[w + x] := stiftB else p[w + x] := papierB; if ps[x + 1] = 0 then p[w + 1 + x] := stiftG else p[w + 1 + x] := papierG; if ps[x + 2] = 0 then p[w + 2 + x] := stiftR else p[w + 2 + x] := papierR; inc(x, 3); end; end; end; function rasterbild(bild: TBitmap; fStift, fPapier: TColor): boolean; var x, y, z, w, b, s: integer; h: TBitmap; p: pbytearray; begin result := false; if (bild.width <= 5) or (bild.height <= 5) or (fStift = fPapier) then exit; farben(fStift, stiftR, stiftG, stiftB); farben(fpapier, papierR, papierG, papierB); try bild.pixelformat := pf24bit; h := TBitmap.create; h.assign(bild); b := 5 - bild.width mod 5; dec(b, ord(b = 5) * 5); bild.width := bild.width + b; b := 5 - bild.height mod 5; dec(b, ord(b = 5) * 5); bild.height := bild.height + b; bild.canvas.stretchdraw(rect(0, 0, bild.width, bild.height), h); h.free; b := bild.width * 3; x := 0; while x < b do begin y := 0; while y < bild.height do begin s := 0; for z := 0 to 4 do begin p := bild.scanline[y + z]; for w := 0 to 14 do s := s + p[x + w]; end; case s of 0..3000: einsetzen(bild, 0, x, y); 3001..7500: einsetzen(bild, 1, x, y); 7501..12000: einsetzen(bild, 2, x, y); 12001..16500: einsetzen(bild, 3, x, y); 16501..18375: einsetzen(bild, 4, x, y); else einsetzen(bild, 5, x, y); end; inc(y, 5); end; inc(x, 15); end; except exit; end; result := true; end; // Beispielaufruf procedure TForm1.Button9Click(Sender: TObject); var bmp: TBitmap; begin bmp := TBitmap.create; bmp.loadfromfile('c:\merkel.bmp'); canvas.Draw(0, 5, bmp); if not rasterbild(bmp, clblack, $EED0D0) then showmessage('FEHLER') else canvas.Draw(200, 5, bmp); bmp.free; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------
// Variante 1.2b: Drei
// --------------------------------------------------------------- // Variante 2:
Unterschiedliche Punktanzahl type b3 = array[0..3] of byte; var bild: TBitmap; schablone: array[0..6] of TBitmap; farbe: array[0..1] of TColor; anteil: array[0..1] of b3; procedure vorbereitung; var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to 1 do begin farbe[i] := ColorToRGB(farbe[i]); anteil[i][0] := GetBValue(farbe[i]); anteil[i][1] := GetGValue(farbe[i]); anteil[i][2] := GetRValue(farbe[i]); end; end; procedure schablonen; var x, y, i: integer; begin for i := 1 to 5 do begin with schablone[i].canvas do begin case i of 1: pixels[2, 2] := 0; 2: begin pixels[2, 1] := 0; pixels[0, 2] := 0; end; 3: begin pixels[0, 0] := 0; pixels[0, 2] := 0; pixels[2, 1] := 0; pixels[2, 3] := 0; end; 4: begin for x := 0 to 3 do for y := 0 to 3 do begin if odd(x) = odd(y) then pixels[x, y] := 0; end; end; 5: begin pixels[2, 0] := $FFFFFF; pixels[0, 1] := $FFFFFF; pixels[2, 2] := $FFFFFF; pixels[0, 3] := $FFFFFF; end; end; end; end; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var x: integer; begin bild := TBitmap.create; for x := 0 to 6 do begin schablone[x] := TBitmap.create; with schablone[x] do begin width := 4; height := 4; pixelformat := pf24bit; with canvas do begin brush.color := ord(x < 5) * $FFFFFF; fillrect(cliprect); end; end; end; schablonen; end; procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); var x: integer; begin for x := 0 to 6 do schablone[x].free; bild.free; end; procedure einsetzen(bm: TBitmap; i, w, s: integer); var x, y: integer; ps: PBytearray; p: pbytearray; begin for y := 0 to 3 do begin x := 0; p := bm.scanline[s + y]; ps := schablone[i].scanline[y]; while x < 12 do begin if ps[x] = 0 then p[w + x] := anteil[0][0] else p[w + x] := anteil[1][0]; if ps[x + 1] = 0 then p[w + 1 + x] := anteil[0][1] else p[w + 1 + x] := anteil[1][1]; if ps[x + 2] = 0 then p[w + 2 + x] := anteil[0][2] else p[w + 2 + x] := anteil[1][2]; inc(x, 3); end; end; end; function rasterbild(bm: TBitmap): boolean; var x, y, z, w, b, s: integer; h: TBitmap; p: pbytearray; begin result := false; if (bm.width < 4) or (bm.height < 4) or (farbe[0] = farbe[1]) then exit; bm.pixelformat := pf24bit; try h := TBitmap.create; h.assign(bm); b := 4 - bm.width mod 4; dec(b, ord(b = 4) * 4); bm.width := bm.width + b; b := 4 - bm.height mod 4; dec(b, ord(b = 4) * 4); bm.height := bm.height + b; bm.canvas.stretchdraw(rect(0, 0, bm.width, bm.height), h); h.free; b := bm.width * 3; x := 0; while x < b do begin y := 0; while y < bm.height do begin s := 0; for z := 0 to 3 do begin p := bm.scanline[y + z]; for w := 0 to 11 do s := s + p[x + w]; end; case s of 0..1300: einsetzen(bm, 0, x, y); 1301..2500: einsetzen(bm, 1, x, y); 2501..4700: einsetzen(bm, 2, x, y); 4701..6000: einsetzen(bm, 3, x, y); 6001..7700: einsetzen(bm, 4, x, y); 7701..10000: einsetzen(bm, 5, x, y); else einsetzen(bm, 6, x, y); end; inc(y, 4); end; inc(x, 12); end; except exit; end; result := true; end; procedure TForm1.Button9Click(Sender: TObject); begin farbe[0] := $EED0D0; // Hintergrund; farbe[1] := $100000; // Punkte vorbereitung; bild.loadfromfile('c:\merkel.bmp'); canvas.draw(10, 25, bild); rasterbild(bild); canvas.draw(20 + bild.width, 25, bild); end; |